Friday, 25 February 2011

Quotes Series 101

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever". (Chinese Proverb)

Starting today, I will be posting and discussing quotes, proverbs etc. that relates to my life and my inner world. By this way, I will be able to understand myself better and to express my thoughts and emotions in a free way without any limitations.

       Asking questions in class is one of the most intimidating thing to do especially when you're 16 and at the same time studying at a University. Dealing with adults and experts as well, is really awkward. Whenever I'm in class and i really want to ask a particular question, my lack of confidence and timidness  quickly conquer me. My blood boils, my heartbeat quickens, suddenly I feel warm and my throat becomes dry. However, by the time I found this Chinese proverb, it started to motivate and help me build my confidence. It is one of the short but wise sentences that gives me power and courage to ask what I think are important questions to my professors. This I believe will benefit my intellectual excellence and performance inside the class. A good student is one that asks and is willing to learn. Hence, asking is learning, so why don't give it a shot? It is never bad to ask questions that interest you. You never know these questions will make professors think deeper and build a reputation inside the class. It might also be a million euro question. You will never know:P

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Do you know how angry and annoyed I am right now? Very much. This whole drama about Greece and the economic crisis make me want to leave Greece immediately. Being a college student studying at the center of Athens (close to the parliament) I have always been affected whenever barbaric citizens of Greece demonstrate in front of the Parliament. I do not blame them, since the Greek government also has it faults. Who is to blame? If they don't fix this immediately, this country will have a really bad reputation and will surely self- destruct. 

Friday, 11 February 2011

Being Independent

Once again, its Friday. This week has been really tiring even though we just started the semester. To be honest, I'm really nervous of what will be the outcome of this new semester of learning. Maybe I'm just over thinking or maybe I'm just not mature enough to accept any negative event that may come.

Today, I decided to roam around and take some pictures downtown Athens. I needed to escape from any thoughts, fear and worries about myself. I also visited the Benaki Museum. (My journey at the Benaki Museum will be posted in another post, maybe next week.) Surprisingly,  the weather today in Athens is perfect. It's really warm and you could feel the beginning of a new season.

As I walked, I saw a really cool watch. I couldn't resist to capture it, because during that time I felt serene and peaceful. I was away from my busy college life, not to mention the pressure and demands it requires. I really hope I could stop the time and enjoy the day eternally.  But one of the limitations of humans is the inability to control time.
Maybe, someday I could re-live this peaceful time and I really hope it will be longer. Semester II begins, so I should study harder and do my best. Also, I would like to wish everyone especially students like me, SUCCESS in everything they do. Good Luck ^_^

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Valentines Day 2011

Valentines Day is approaching. The day when couples celebrate their love for each other. For singles like me, (still searching for the right girl) it may be nothing but just an ordinary day.

So, I've picked two accessories which will be used during Vday. A bow tie and a leather folder. The bow tie represents being single and the folder being busy with school.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

2011 Year To Start a BLOG!

To begin this blog, I decided to introduce the three basic tools (picture above) I will be using. Well, there's nothing much to type right now, but I want to try to start this blog looking for inspiration and something really interesting to share to the outer world especially to those in the East. I don't want to start with introductions but I'm a Filipino living in Athens, Greece the cradle of the western civilization. Basically, this blog will be composed of pictures and my insights about Athens, my dreams and opinions on various things and lastly my passion for the Arts and Sciences. Thank you very much for reading this. Till then, Fighting!